Grow your Business with Van HuizenConsulting


Save time and money in your business by knowing where you should be focusing your attention.


Business Audit 


Understand your business


Perfect for busy business owners who desire to understand all areas of their business better to make more informed decisions that result in increased sales and overall store performance.

My on location audit focusing on five essential elements will provide you with a complete overview of your store’s performance. From personnel to marketing, every facet of your business is reviewed and strategic solutions are recommended. Not only for immediate areas of improvement, but an action plan to take into the future to drive higher sales and ROI.

I have conducted hundreds of these audits, and implemented action plans with proven results. We will focus on five essential elements in this audit in order to maximize your store’s performance:

Van Huizen Consulting In-store Audit
Personnel Selling and Sales Leadership | Van Huizen Retail Consulting


Selling and Sales Leadership  

Learn how to empower and support your staff so they are working together towards a shared goal, take pride in their work, and are bringing the most effective sales techniques onto the floor. 


We start with the heart of your success: staff & sales. Here we will review your staff sales goals, their shared and individual performance results, and advise you on accountability and recognition incentive programs. I will provide a staff evaluation template to use on a continual basis, and discuss disciplinary protocol should it be required.  

In order to get you the most accurate and effective results for this aspect of the audit I spend three live hours on the sales floor observing the following areas: management sales leadership, staff coaching, recognition, customer service, and selling techniques. We put your staff into action and I offer feedback based on real-life scenarios. 




Be able to make more impactful and effective decisions when it comes to your staff schedule and payroll. You’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of your stores sales trends, and learn how to best manage and communicate with your staff for maximum retention and salary satisfaction.


We start with the essentials: a real-time assessment of your store’s traffic patterns, and current sales trends. From there we build with the information gathered, including a draft schedule that takes vital sales information into account so your investment in your staff is being used as effectively as possible. This will ensure that you are staffed appropriately for every hour of the day, and will experience minimal wage loss. Not only do we establish your current schedule, but I will teach you how to forecast bi-weekly sales and payroll trends so you can continue to make adjustments as your business grows. 

We’ll review your annual payroll budget to ensure you are on par with the industry average, providing competitive wages for increased staff retention. As communication plays a big part in your operations, we will review your management and staff communication tools, and I will make recommendations where needed. 


Operations | Van Huizen Retail Consulting
Inventory | Van Huizen Retail Consulting


Don’t allow your inventory to be collecting dust on your shelves. Learn how to better understand your inventory levels, be up-to-date on the best tools on the market to manage them, and delight in product continually moving off of your shelf.


Looking in-depth at your current stock quantity and variety, I will make recommendations on how to implement forward-selling positions to continually turn your inventory as quickly as possible. We will also review your current POS or retail system reports to see where opportunities are being missed and if you are using the correct system for your store. 


Visual Presentation

Turn browsing shoppers into paying customers by knowing where the prime real-estate is in your store. Learn how you can better utilize your store’s square footage to ensure you’re putting your strongest producing products in plain sight. 


First, let’s get your floor plan in perfect flow. We will establish a new floor plan based on current traffic flow, and your store’s strongest spots for product placement. In this floor plan I will take sales data into effect and confirm that best-sellers are front and centre for your customers to see. We’ll also take into account your sales by category and ensure that your most revenue-producing products are given the right amount of attention. 

Visual Presentation | Van Huizen Retail Consulting
Marketing | Van Huizen Retail Consulting


Understand which of your marketing investments are paying off, where you should focus more of your efforts and attention, and discover online platforms you didn’t even know existed. 


For this piece of the audit, we’re taking it out of the store and getting on-line. We will look at all your online presence as a whole by conducting a thorough review of your advertising, online listings, reviews, social marketing and website.  

I will provide you with a Google Analytics report, and will also sit down with you to breakdown the analysis of the data I discover. This will give you a deeper understanding of your customers, and how they prefer to engage with your online content so you know where to focus your time, attention and advertising dollars. Taking all of this into effect, you will be able to deliver a more enjoyable and personal online experience that will drive results. I will make final recommendations on my findings to ensure that your marketing dollars are being used as effectively as possible.


Are you ready to

Grow your business?


Schedule your free consultation with Van Huizen Consulting today to see if your store is a candidate for my Signature In-store Audit.



A La Carte Services 

Not looking for a full audit, but still need a boost in your business?


My A La Carte offerings serve to assist you in effective areas of your business that, as a busy retail store owner, you often do not have time to attend to. Allow me to help you save time and money in the areas of your business that often get pushed to the bottom of your to-do list, or that you simply do not have the time to educate yourself on.

I have several years of expertise and experience in each of the following areas:



Understand which of your marketing investments are paying off, where you should focus more of your efforts and attention, and discover online platforms you didn’t even know existed. 


Get out of the store and get your business on-line! We will look at all your online presence as a whole by conducting a thorough review of your advertising, online listings, reviews, social marketing and website.  

I will provide you with a Google Analytics report, and will also sit down with you to breakdown the analysis of the data I discover. This will give you a deeper understanding of your customers, and how they prefer to engage with your online content so you know where to focus your time, attention and advertising dollars. Taking all of this into effect, you will be able to deliver a more enjoyable and personal online experience that will drive results. I will make final recommendations on my findings to ensure that your marketing dollars are being used as effectively as possible.


Sales Training

Teach your staff how to effectively turn browsers into customers by understanding sales tactics, how to effectively up-sell, and have them feeling more confident in their sales skills. This training is great to get teams cohesive in their sales strategies, or to welcome new hires and equip them with these essential skills.

Retail Sales Training | Van Huizen Retail Consulting

In this three hour on location sales training course I will share my 20+ years of sales training experience working with teams. A sales training manual of tools will be covered during the course, and are yours to keep so you and your team can reference them afterward. During our time together we will cover the manual content, and do live role-playing scenarios to put learned skills into practice.  


Recruitment Services

Choose to suit your recruitment needs. I offer two different levels of recruitment services — for those store owners who want the time-heavy task completely taken off their plate, and those who want to do the be involved in the interviewing process but need some directed guidance along the way.


Complete Recruitment Service 

Interviewing is a long and arduous process that sometimes you just don’t have the time for. But as every store owner knows, your staff is one of the most vital parts of your business. Ensuring you have a qualified, good fit can make all the difference in your business. Allow me to take the heavy-lifting off your hands and hire the right person for the job. 

Includes creation of job description and online posting, collection of resumes, qualifying candidates, conducting interviews, and shortlisting the top three candidates for your final interview and decision. I will also personally conduct reference checks and provide salary offers based on the final candidates’ experience.  


Mini Recruitment Service 

Ensure that every aspect of the interview and recruitment process is covered. The last thing you want to do in your hiring process is take short-cuts or miss an important step along the way. Save yourself potential headache and let me take the do-list off your hands. Once you’ve selected candidates to interview all you have to do is follow a checklist to find the perfect person. 

Includes creation of job description for the position, along with providing you with pertinent interview and reference questions to make conducting interviews a breeze. I will also make recommendations on the best online recruiting platforms to utilize.


Looking for a

Boost in Your business?


Book your complimentary consultation to see which of my A La Carte services will benefit your business.

